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Planning Board Minutes 03/20/2014
March 20, 2014
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)      Chris Condon (Chair)    
Michael Frosch (Member) Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        Steve MacDonald (Member)
Janet McEwen (Member)   Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)      Sarah VanderWende (Member)
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)      
Public Attendees:       Lindsey Arceci  Peter Moore             Bob Holmes
Jeanne Cahoon

7:00PM Organizational Meeting

Organize committee – elect officers – Chair and Vice-Chair
Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7PM. As the first item on the agenda was election of officers, Chair Lazar asked for nominations from the members.

Motion: Mr. Webber nominated Chris Condon as Chair. Mr. MacDonald seconded the motion.
There was no discussion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, no; VanderWende, no; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, yes; Frosch, yes.

Mr. Condon was elected as Chair.

Motion: Ms. VanderWende nominated Jesse Lazar as Vice-Chair. Mr. Webber seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, yes; Frosch, yes.

Mr. Lazar was elected as Vice-Chair.

Alternates: Vice-Chair Lazar explained the process. There was a short discussion. Vice Chair Lazar asked the three attendees to explain their desire to be an alternate for the Planning Board.

Mr. Moore had submitted a letter requesting an appointment as alternate. In his letter, he stated his background and depth of experience. Chair Condon read the letter aloud.

Ms. Cahoon stated that she had the time to devote to the Board and was very interested in learning the workings of the Board.

Mr. Holmes stated that he realized that there would be a learning curve but that he had the time and energy to devote to the Board. He also stated that he was fair and open minded.

Motion: Mr. Webber moved to appoint Peter Moore as an alternate. Mr. MacDonald seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, yes; Frosch, yes.

Mr. Moore was appointed as an alternate.

Motion: Mr. Webber moved to appoint Jeanne Cahoon as an alternate. Vice-chair Lazar seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, yes; Frosch, yes.

Ms. Cahoon was appointed as an alternate.

Motion: Mr. Webber moved to appoint Bob Holmes as an alternate. Ms. VanderWende seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, yes; Frosch, yes.

Mr., Holmes was appointed as an alternate.

PB Recommendation on sale of Town lands – the selectmen are considering selling the listed parcels of Town owned land. In accordance with RSA 41:14a, the Selectmen are asking the Planning Board to review and make a recommendation on the potential sale of these properties.

101-046 Gregg Lake Rd (Old Town Beach)
213-017 197 Keene Rd
219-010 Between Elm Ave, Bridle Rd & Smith Rd
234-004 Gregg Lake Rd (old mill dam)
235-011 Craig Rd

Chair Condon asked Mr. Webber to give background on the Board of Selectmen request.

Mr. Webber explained that three of the parcels were on the list because abutters had requested the sales. There were numerous parcels on the town owned properties listed that the Selectmen will be asking recommendations about.

There was a lengthy discussion concerning the criteria which the Board would decide the recommendations. Some members thought that there should be a certain protocol.

Ms. Ogilvie stated that she had not experienced sales of municipality properties in her role as Community Development Director in Peterborough. She said that she understood the recommendation from the Planning Board concerned the land use perspective. In the Board of Selectmen process, there would be two public hearings and many of the questions that some board members were asking would come up in the hearings. She also stated that, as far as, a specific process, it would vary by town, staff, interest in the property and it was not customary to have a written process.

Mr. Webber stated that the Planning Board was to look at the parcels to be sold and make a recommendation; and that the Board should not be concerned with the method in which the parcels would be sold.

Vice-chair Lazar disagreed and stated that the procedure does matter to him. He then asked if there was a timeline and that the Board may need more time to review the parcels.

The discussion continued.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to table the recommendation; to develop a Planning Board process; and to form a sub-committee to review the parcels. Vice Chair Lazar seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, no; Frosch, no.

The motion passed. Volunteers were requested. Ms. VanderWende, Ms. McEwen, and Mr. Holmes volunteered.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to form the sub-committee with the Board volunteers. Chair Condon seconded.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, no; Frosch, no.

The Board discussed some of the criteria that could be considered : a process, within the realm of the Planning board, potential uses, zoning district, if the land had been bequeathed, etc.

The discussion ended.

Planning Board Goals for 2014

Vice-Chair Lazar stated that CIP (Capital Improvement Program) should be a priority. He said that the Board should be looking at the CIP plans from other towns, and a t the same time look at trends and forecasts.

Ms. Ogilvie said that Vice-Chair Lazar’s suggestion makes good sense. She said that she realized the value of maintaining long time members, Ron Haggett and Ben Pratt.  She expressed the importance of collecting current numbers and to be looking at trend analysis to help the members put boundaries and context on upcoming projects.

The board discussed educational requirements and asked Ms. Ogilvie if she could suggest topics at the next meeting that she attended.

Business Meeting:

Approve – February 20, 2014 minutes Vice-Chair Lazar moved to adopt the minutes. Ms. VanderWende seconded the motion. The minutes were approved, as amended.

Review YTD Budget - FYI

SWRPC – Monthly newsletter -FYI

Workshops & Trainings:
20th Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – Saturday, May 3 – Registration details soon - FYI

2014 NHDES Drinking Water Source Protection Conference – April 30 - FYI

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey
Secretary for the Land Use Boards